You know that guy who everyone just thinks is so great but no one is willing to date him because he is just such a 'great' guy? Well 'that guy' is in my life right now. He is a nice guy and he is fun but beyond that .....nothing!
I met him at the staff party at Christmas. Innitially their was some curiosity, I had seen his picture at work from the Summer before (he works Summers I worked Christmas) and I thought he looked like a cool guy and that it would be a cool to meet him someday. Then I saw him at the Christmas party and matched his face with the picture. Through a series of events we were introduced and we hung out for the rest of the party. Then he asked me to go out for coffee afterwards. That night we went out for coffee and walked by the Bay. I felt comfortable around him and he was fun. My ego was definetly boosted! I had been dealing with winter depression and a bad skin condition on my face.
Eventually the age question came around, I knew he was younger than me and was hoping that he would only be 21. I was thinking "Coooommmme OOOoooonnnn 21!" Well he had just turned 20 Aaaaahhhhh tooo younge! That is younger than my cousin Ryan!
The next day I started contemplating things a little deeper. The excitement of the date wore off and I realized that no I didn't want things to go any further. In fact he just kind of felt like a cousin to me, I felt as if I was hanging out with my cousin Ryan not someone I was romantically interested in.
Well two days later he called me up and invited me over for New Years in my head I was moaning NOOOOOooooo and out of my mouth came "ya sure". I went to the party and was the oldest one their. Everyone was giving him the wink wink nudge nudge. It was then that I realized he was 'that guy'. And I was the girl who had to tell him the 'I just want to be friends line'. I had a good time that night but by the time it was time for me to leave he was slightly enebreated. I gave him a hug good bye and he took the plunge and kissed me on the cheek. Inside I was moaning with agony at what was progressing. I liked the attention but knew if I did not end it soon I wasn't being fair to him or myself.
A couple days later he called me. I felt like crap that day and so I told him I would call him back. I got off the phone had some food and then called him back renewed by the food I had eaten so that I could think straight. I told him the story of seeing his picture and wanting to meet him and then being able to meet him in person. I told him how much fun I had had with him and how I felt like I could be a goof around him and not care. And then....I told him I didn't want things to go any further. He was cool with it we talked for another twenty minutes and then hung up.
He went back to school and we kept in touch while he was away. We hung out on March break one night which was a little awkward but we watched a super cool movie called "Murder Ball". It was about paraplegic athletes who play competitive indoor rugby. Tres cool a must see!
Anyway Spring is here and I am working back at the Garden centre. Dude is back from school and we work at the same work place. The first two weeks were awkward I tried to carry a conversation with him but it was hard. We really have nothing in common and he isn't the most engaging person to talk to. He does not challenge me intellectually or spiritually. I just don't feel a connection with him.
He has been calling me and I have been busy thankfully so I can't hang out with him. Everytime he calls to hang out I just moan with anxiety at having to turn him down. My dad thinks I'm so quirky for feeling this way. Yet, I know what I want when I want it and this is something I don't want. Ya, sure we can hang out but.... I have done that whole 'we're just hanging out' thing before and know that it progresses into more than just hanging out. Even if I set boundaries it is the intimacy of being with someone for prolonged amounts of time that promotes unwanted intimacy. I am female and do have the desire for romance. I can't exactly say that I would put on the brakes right away if he were to put the moves on me or that I would completly disallow a little sparks to fly. I want to protect myself and protect my younge friend.
Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion but better to be safe than sorry. Right?!