I ride my bike to work sometimes (this week everyday because the weather is glorious!) and on my way to work I ride through Sdot's wetlands. The wetlands use to be owned by ducks unlimited....crazy organization that had a conservation for ducks so that they could shoot them! Yah people are so wacky! 'Lets make a conservation so that we can shoot ducks'. They were never blatant about this fact of course.
So anyway the conservation area that I ride through has farm land on either side of it and a stream/large ditch and a couple ponds/something suspicious that I don't think is ponds (the other day something was splashing in the water, it looked like fish but how to fish get into ponds in the middle of nowhere?). Now from the simple mans view everything would look fine. In fact it would look picturesque, birds flock to this little sanctuary, their is a man made grove of trees with paths in it and the sun dances on the water like stars. Yet if one is to look closer they would see the tube that runs through the water that periodically belches a cloud into the water, the trees are planted in the grove in perfect lines, the two ponds are in perfect circular shapes. The grounds are littered with disgusting huge mounds of geese poop, the water ways are greenish brown from farm run-off and geese fieces.
It is a nesting ground for Canada geese. Again for the simple man this would be quite sweet to look at the little gosselings and coo and awww. In reality it is a disaster they are all just going to grow into little poop shooters that will polute our bodies of water. I look at the serene, languid, sophisticated blue herron who lazily lounges in the creek/ditch and think 'poor creature has to bathe in the poluted waterway that the mangy geese poop in' 'I feel sorry for the offspring he will help bear, will they be mutated because of the chemicals and toxins he bathes in?' 'Or will nature just continue to adapt to its surrounding.....it is amazing how nature continues to adapt to man's interference....this can be a good thing or a bad thing ie: Killer bees have adapted to Florida's climate....this means they will most likely migrate upwards'.
Anyway so back to the geese. When my parent's and I use to vacation in Virginia our trigger happy Virginian friends would complain how they hated the geese and wished that they could shoot them but because the geese are Canada's national bird they weren't aloud. One time when my uncle was younge and reckless he and his friends tried to catch a goose....this ended up in one of his buddies having two brocken ribs. One year when I was a younge adolescent our church went camping and the water at the camp ground was filled with goose fecies. We didn't find this out until one of the families who came up with us got rashes from the water. At first we only thought that the water was full of algie....think again....it was geese cacka!
So anyway I think that geese need to be turned into mantle ornaments. They are over populated and litter our grounds. Somewhere along the food chain they're predators got pushed out or over hunted. Now they litter our golf course and parks. When I ride my bike in the wet-lands I have to be careful or else shit will fly up off my tires or I'll run into some over protective geese that hiss at me. How annoying!
I should start a campaign called Kill the Canada Geese!
Ya, thats my rant on dirty geese.