Adrienne, is a un-computer savvy girl who got her computer savvy friend Ron (he actually went to school for computers) to teach her how to use a blog. The reason for her interest in blogging? After telling a tale to one of her friends he suggested that her story should be put into blog form. Adrienne has many random thoughts that she wants to share with the world and so now she has begun a blog. Please be patient with her horrible grammar, maybe someday she will tell you why it is so bad.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I'm an Addict (really I am)

Please be forewarned that my grammatical device for this post is (bracket).
So my first week in the lunch room at my current place of employment I noticed a particular container on the counter next to the coffee maker. On the label of this container it said colorant a cafe, it took me a moment to translate because I was thinking 'coloring for coffee?' Then I figured it out 'coffee whitener!' Then I got to thinking (oooh Jack Jonhson's on, sooo good! I love the whole surffer culture. I can be a poser in Canada cuz their aren't any surfers where was I going?) about what I have been educating myself on lately, which is food! Cuz I love food and I love to cook but also I know that a lot of our illnesses in North America are due to diet. Not necessarily because we don't eat right (we don't!) but because we don't know about where our food comes from. We are poisoning ourselves! We don't know how it is grown, how it is manufactured, packaged and raised! The fact that we have to whiten our coffee rather than use real milk is an indication. Why do we have to add more chemicals to our coffee (which is already a type of mild narcotic) blows my mind! Even if one were to put real milk in their coffee, do people know how cows are raised? How cows are given loads of growth hormones so that they grow faster and beefier, or given tons of anti-biotics so that they stay healthy. Do people not realize that whatever goes into the cow goes into us???? Have they not noticed how tall our generation has become? Hint hint, growth hormones in the meat we eat?!? Not only that but how the animals are treated? Chickens in cages for the duration of their lives, put on conveyor belts like they are objects. Veale! Baby cows put into tiny cubicles fattened and then butchered for their succulant fatty cuts. Animals eating animals! We feed our animals other animals by taking what isn't sellable and making it into feed. Mad cow disease anyone?!?
This isn't what God intended when he created the earth and asked man to watch over it! Yet it hasn't been the Christians who have taken up the slack! Instead we have obese pastors in our pulpits and gluttony is rarely talked about in the church! The ones who have taken up the slack are the 'kooky' hippie new ager types. I recently read a book about a women who lived in one of the rare Redwood trees in Washington for two years in order to save it. I also recently read a book by the actor Woody Harrelson (Woody from the hit TV show Cheers), who went on a bike tour down the West Coast stopping in different places to speak about sustainable living. Check out his site at Sustainable living means to live on things that will sustain the earth. By sustaining the earth we are being good stewards of what God has given to us so that other generations can enjoy the bounty of God's earth (Woody didn't say it like that, he would have said something about giving back to the Mother [the ambiguous life source]). Anyway I think it's time that we don't live in ignorance and keep inadvertantly killing ourselves.
Something that Woody brought up in his book was how people in North America are addicted to sugar! It's true! I am such an addict! I went off of sugar and numerous other things this Summer and to say the least it was a huge struggle! The first thing to enter back into my diet was sugar. Sugar is a comfort food! It makes us feel good while we are eating it and then we feel rotten afterwards. Yet we keep eating it for that short high! Sugar is in everything, chips, salad dressing, soup, KETCHUP (N.A. and it's addiction to Ketchup), peanut butter, rice crispies everything! N.A. relies on carbs to make it feel full, fries, chips, white breads, white rice, buns potatoes, cakes, pancakes, toast....these are all transformed into sugar in our bodies. Now, that I have allowed sugar back into my diet and being away from it for so long I find it so hard to go off of it again. I just want to binge and binge on stuff that has sugar in it. It is so hard at work because people will bring in cookies, chocolate cake and candies to share with everyone. I just can't resist a bite! Then my bite turns into a piece and then another piece, it's because I can't have it that I want it! I'm an all or nothing girl so if I'm not going to do something then I go cold turkey but if I'm going to do something it is because I believe in it or want it really badly. So having just a bite really isn't enough for me, I want it all! My parents brough me back chocolate from Germany I obstained from it for two months then I had a little and then I had a little more and then I just gorged myself! Ridiculous, I felt really guilty and upset with myself. It wasn't worth the binge! I had to ask my mom to take the chocolate away and hide it..... but I was hooked! So much so that two days later I raided her room in search for them.....and I found it and ate some of it. So bad! What would drive me to do that? An addiction my friends.
I recently read one of the natural living magazines that we get from the health food store. In the magazine it talked about a girl who realized that sugar was one of the things that was contributing to her moodiness and suicidal tendencies so she went off sugar and started taking a supplement called L Glutemine. L Gluetmine is sometimes used for people who have addictions to drugs and alcohol. Dopimine(sp?) is something that the brain uses to make nural transmissions in the brain. The brain stops producing enough dopimine when it becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol. L Gluetimine helps reverse the affects of the chemicals the brain has been using instead of dopimeine. L Glutemine acts as a strengthener to help rebuild the dopimine production so the brain can make the neural transmissions it needs.

So my friends I am a sugar junkie.

Recipe for recovery

Hot Cocoa (without the additives)

1 1/2 cups Rice Milk
1T fair trade organic Cocoa Camino (Canadian produced)
1t or to taste Stevia (a sweet leaf that isn't a sweetner or a sugar, it actually helps to balance your bodies sugar cravings, amazing!)

Simmer in pot stirring continuously until cocoa and stevia are dissolved and milk is warm. Pour in favourite mug and enjoy the pure chocolate goodness.


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