Adrienne, is a un-computer savvy girl who got her computer savvy friend Ron (he actually went to school for computers) to teach her how to use a blog. The reason for her interest in blogging? After telling a tale to one of her friends he suggested that her story should be put into blog form. Adrienne has many random thoughts that she wants to share with the world and so now she has begun a blog. Please be patient with her horrible grammar, maybe someday she will tell you why it is so bad.

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Litte Boy in Every Guy

So at work their is this Guy, who I think is hilarious. I just look at him and he makes me laugh. Let me describe him for you. He has really clear blue twinkly eyes, dark stick straight brown hair with cowlicks that go in every direction, bright clear skin and a huge cheshire cat smile. He reminds you of that little boy you use to play in the sand box with who had a sensitive side but loved to make forts and play with toy trucks only he just grew up and got a deeper voice.
One of my first impressions of him was a night in the lunch room. My boss and I were talking about the differen't diets we were on (for health reasons). My manager was saying that she was pretty much a vegetarian except she ate poultry and fish. Twinkly Eyes pipes up and says sarcastically "I don't do drugs, I just smoke weed, that's all I do!'. LOL oh man I just gave a good hearty laught at his comment because it sounded so funny and the way he said it so quickly and wittily made me laught.
Another time in the lunch room after only working their for three days I was eating my lunch quietly and then I let out this little burp and I was really embarassed about it just cuz I didn't really know anyone yet. Twinkly Eyes and this other couple (I can't tell if they are together or not) started to laugh and told me it was okay. I then retort with 'I don't usually do that, I can usually keep them in' (mom brought me up like a lady). Twinkly Eyes says "it's okay Laura lets one out every so often and they are way louder than that'. Then he tells the story of how he was at a wife's friend's wedding, he didn't really know anyone at the wedding. At the reception he had sucked back a few Heineken. During the speech of one of the bride's maids he let out this huge belch, it must of been pretty huge because everyone looked at him and his wife got pretty ticked at him. So, you know he is just that sort of guy who funny thing happen to or he does funny things. I thought it was kind of cool how he took the attention off of me and put it on hims self. I need people in my life who can make me laugh, I need a good stomach wrenching laugh everyday or I just get down. Hearing encouraging words is good but I think laughing is way better!
But anyway off topic, I really believe that every guy has that little boy in them and it comes out in them when they play with their grown up toys (I mean things like computers and cars, not the other toys, get you mind out of the gutter!). Or when they tease girls or play pranks on each other. I think it is great but some girls just don't get it and look down on it but that is guys just being boys. The way they were meant to be!


Blogger Johanna said...


Good to know you have a blog. When are you coming back to TO? I wanna dance with you again.

Johanna (from Freedomize)

11:43 PM


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