Adrienne, is a un-computer savvy girl who got her computer savvy friend Ron (he actually went to school for computers) to teach her how to use a blog. The reason for her interest in blogging? After telling a tale to one of her friends he suggested that her story should be put into blog form. Adrienne has many random thoughts that she wants to share with the world and so now she has begun a blog. Please be patient with her horrible grammar, maybe someday she will tell you why it is so bad.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Random funny things about today that just needed to be posted

On my way to work I was listening to the radio and one of the announcers I listen to always does a daily review of things that have been in the news. This report is half true and half fictional or all true but really wierd. So the DJ started doing his daily review andI was kind of half listening and half not. Well he starts talking about how this guy embezzled money from the cardio-vascular association, an association that raises money for heart disease (the number one killer in North America). Then he goes on to say that the lonely sap was using the money to pay for his Dominatrix to fly from LA to NYC. The courts are putting this guy away for 15 years.....but he won't have to worry about spending money on hiring someone to beat him because he'll get it for free in jail. What a sick and twisted world we live in!

Two random annoying things happened to me at work today.
1. A lady came up to my till and I began to ring her in. I go to grab her items and she grabs my hands and exclaims 'oh Oh oh' and presses on my nails. I state that they are my real nails blah blah. Then I go to ring in the bird seed she had and she decides she hasn't decided on it yet and wants to put it aside. A normal request but then it gets wierd, I then go to grab her other items and all that is left is a lolli-pop. I ask her if she has anymore items and she says no. So I ring in her lolli-pop and it comes to .33 cents. She then proceeds to get her debit card out to pay. She paid .33 cents on her debit card for a lolli-pop! Who does that!

2. Oh and then another lady came in with her reciept and a $2.00 coupon. She looks at me and says 'here is the reciept from the purchase I made last week. I forgot to bring in my coupon can I use it now for my purchase?' I look at her and say ' I don't think we can do that but I'll check', so I go and talk to my manager and my manager tells me to give her two dollars. So I give her two dollars out of the till. Who does that! You wouldn't do that at Zehrs or Wal-Mart! It's only two freaken dollars! Get over it people, next time remember the coupon! Urghhhh people annoy me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carrying cash annoys me like nothing else.

I long for the days when I dont have to carry 33 cents around to pay for little things like lolipops, even we all pay for things with the barcode imprinted on our heads. ;)

8:44 AM

Blogger tiana said...

hey ade! funny post!! I particularly like the lollipop lady, what an odd world we live in! hey i signed myself up for one of these blog things, my page is
...apologies in advance for copying your format !! it was the nicest one!! t xx

5:53 PM


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