Adrienne, is a un-computer savvy girl who got her computer savvy friend Ron (he actually went to school for computers) to teach her how to use a blog. The reason for her interest in blogging? After telling a tale to one of her friends he suggested that her story should be put into blog form. Adrienne has many random thoughts that she wants to share with the world and so now she has begun a blog. Please be patient with her horrible grammar, maybe someday she will tell you why it is so bad.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Projectile Vomitting and other disgusting things......

Okay so I'm toying with the idea of becoming a nanny.
My reasons?
1. I know I would be good at it
2. It is gooooood money!
3. Everybody tells me I would be a good mom or that I try to be everyones mom(I know I'm kinda bossy)
4. My friend Colin's wife planted the idea in my head when after watching me with her two son's she said to me 'you would be a good nanny'
5. My friend Steph suggested I look into it because it was something she had thought about doing if she was still single and unmarried
6. I could possibly get a work visa and nanny in someplace warm like AUSTRALIA!(sp?)
7. If I work for a rich family, I could live with them (no rent), they would buy my food, I would probably go on some pretty rad vacations, and I would probably drive some rad cars!
8. I could take some courses via correspondance
9. I could save a lot of money to help make me more independant

Reasons why I wouldn't?
1. What if I get the wrong family? I hate them or they hate me?
2. Do I really want to be with kids 24/7?
3. What if I get really lonely because I can't meet anyone my age or I don't have time to have my own life?
4. What if they smoke and stuff?
5. Am I ready to deal with poopy diapers, toilet training, cooking and cleaning, bathing, sticky fingers, dirty fingers touching my nice clean clothers,runny noses and projectile vomiting?

Speaking of projectile vomitting so I was at my brand new baby cousin Hannah's dedication. Everyone was oohing and awwwing over her and she kept throwing up little bits of milk stuff. Anyway I had been discussing with my Aunt who was holding her at the time about my idea of becoming a nanny. I then made some comment about how much Hannah(was throwing up), then I spoke about an embarrassing moment that happened to me in regards to projectile vomitting and a baby.
Okay so when I did my internship in Picton I lived with a host family. One Sunday afternoon we went to their parent's place for Sunday dinner, their son had come with his baby son Andrew. Andrew is an adorable pudgy but solid baby who smiles easily and giggles joyously. All the boys were throwing Andrew up in the air and doing flips with him etc. So finally I piped up and ask if I could hold him cuz he is just too cute to pass up. Well I'm having a good time holding him, he's smiling gurgling and then it happens, he pukes alllllll over my jeans, we are talking projectile vomit, not just little bits of milk stuff but everything he had eaten that day. So there I am with people I had just met and my jeans are all soiled. Yes, embarrassing things like that seem to follow me where ever I go.
Where was I going?
Oh ya my Aunt then said "we'll Adrienne if you become a nanny you'll have to deal with a lot of projectile vomitting".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first blog that I have read that opened up with a embarassing moment. Well put.

10:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adrienne!

Congratulations on starting the blog!!

I've bookmarked it and I'll be reading every time you update! :)

9:54 AM


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