Adrienne, is a un-computer savvy girl who got her computer savvy friend Ron (he actually went to school for computers) to teach her how to use a blog. The reason for her interest in blogging? After telling a tale to one of her friends he suggested that her story should be put into blog form. Adrienne has many random thoughts that she wants to share with the world and so now she has begun a blog. Please be patient with her horrible grammar, maybe someday she will tell you why it is so bad.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What's Currently in my CD Player

Amberlin's Never Take Friendship Personal
Such a good CD, why didn't I decide I liked this band sooner! At first I didn't like Stephen Christian's voice but now I love it! Their is something soooo haunting and soulful about it. Their are times when I feel like he is singing directly to me! Ya, I'm such a sucker for a guy with a nice voice (tee-hee). I wish now that i had seen them play at Cornerstone. Ah, well. Although, I did see Stephen Christian's impromtu solo performance at C-stone. I didn't even know who he was and I was only one of six standing around.
Anyway the title of the CD has gotten me thinking a little bit; 'Never Take Friendship Personal'. At first I thought that it could mean don't go beyond the confines of friendship with one of your best guy or girl friends....but then I have been listening to the CD more and I think it means to do the opposite. Rather the title means don't worry about going beyond those lines, you may regret that you didn't. Dude I so know what that is like. I have always been the best girl pal to my guy friends and then one of my guy pals would get a gf and I would think 'wait I am interested in you'. Ah yes I am one of those competitive girls who likes the chase. One of my character flaws in life. Haha this is the first time I think that I have gotten personal about my encounters with the opposite sex on this blog.
So their is this song on the CD that I feel speaks directly to me, it is called 'A Day Late'. Here are the lyrics.

A Day Late

So let me get this straight
You say now you've loved me all along
What made you hesitate
to tell me with words what you really feel?
I can see it in your eyes
You mean all of what you say
I remember so long ago, see I felt the same way
Now we both have seperate lives and lovers
Insignificantly enough
we both have significant others
Only time will tell
We are who we were when
Could have been lovers
but at least you're still my day late friend
We are who, we are who we were when
Who knew what we knew now
Could have been more
but at least your still my day late friend
We are who, we are who we were when
but thoughts they change
and times they rearrange
I don't know who you are anymore
Loves come and go now and this I know
I'm not who you recall anymore
But I must confess
you're so much more than I remember
Can't help but entertain
these thoughts of us together
So let me get this straight
All these years
and you were nowhere to be found
And now you want me for you own
But you're a day late
and my love, she's still renowned

Sometimes I wonder why I missed the boat on dating? Was it because I wouldn't take a chanc? Or God knew I couldn't take the heart break? Or I just needed to learn how to have a love relationship with God?( don't date until your ready to mate)
It seems like Stephen Christian has had his ups and downs with dating. I remember his last words to the audience (of six) at C-stone were (as he looked directly at me) [insert bitter tone] "girls don't date rock stars they'll only break your heart." I was indignant at first when I heard this because i was thinking that he probably thought that I was some sixteen year old aw struck groupie ( I was 23 at the time but you all know how younge I look)...but now i have come to realize that a musicians other lover is their music. I don't think that I want to share my man with a second lover. Unless they are in love with God!(that sounds so cheese!) It seemed to me as though his words were spocken out of regret, like he had hurt some innocent girl and hated himself for it.
And so I end my rant on missed loves and sadly my missed loves to come.


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