Adrienne, is a un-computer savvy girl who got her computer savvy friend Ron (he actually went to school for computers) to teach her how to use a blog. The reason for her interest in blogging? After telling a tale to one of her friends he suggested that her story should be put into blog form. Adrienne has many random thoughts that she wants to share with the world and so now she has begun a blog. Please be patient with her horrible grammar, maybe someday she will tell you why it is so bad.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Laughing at Myself

Sometimes I just gotta laugh at myself cuz I am such a crazy person.
So last night I was at the Annex, I brought my skate-board(brand new from Christmas) and took it out for the first time. I got the roller-blader boys to teach me how to ride it. It seems that I ride my board 'goofy', this term means I ride it the opposite way that I am suppose to. I face left rather than right. I put the board down and asked Jack how to get on it. Jack says 'just get on and that is how you get on', so I do and he starts laughing! And says 'you ride it goofy!' Ah well!
So anyway they teach me how to ride it and in the process show me all the tricks they can do on my board. Then some of the other volunteers show up later. One of them is my work friend Dar. The same Dar who I had the bubble wrap encounter with at work and various other embarassing moments. See these encounters would not be embarassing for me if I wasn't attracted to him. Thus because I am attracted to him these awkward moments are made into embarassing moments. However I have pretty much gotten passed that awkward stage and now we are 'pals'. So anyway I was so excited to show off my mad rolling skills on my skate-board that I shout out to him 'hey Dar watch me' and as I am rolling toward him I totally wipe out and land on my side. LOL it was so funny! He is such a sweet boy he gets all concerned and asks if I am okay. I am laughing histarically(sp) because I am realizing how funny I must have looked! Dar proceeds to pick me up and jerks me up right so fast that I am swept off the ground(no really I was). Oh am such a geek, I love that I can laugh at myself, it keeps me younge.
Hey have you guys ever googled yourself? I do it all the time! I never find myself though I just find my cloned name. My other namesake is a nurse in Florida. Today I tried googleing my name again and I found 'me', I my resume that i posted came up! Cool eh! Now to get my blog to be popular enough so that I can be found on the blogspot search. Ah yes I set my goals high don't I! Hee-hee


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So aren't you worried that Dar will read your blog someday and find out that you have a crush on him?? I would never post anything like that online!!!

I have googled myself before, but its never me. This is a funny tool for stuff like that:

It searches through google results for sentences with the input you give. It doesn't look like you're in there, but I am. ;)

This summer I became obsessed with owning, and, but all of them are already owned by other Mike Mortons who don't want to sell them to me for reasonable prices or won't even respond to my emails! :(

11:52 AM

Blogger Adrienne said...

Dar will never learn of my blog! That is why I feel free to write about him.

8:13 PM


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